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The Dolphins have a 1st

来源:Earth Echo news portal编辑:travel时间:2024-06-03 22:56:34

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. (AP) — Mike McDaniel joked during last year’s NFL draft that he couldn’t wait to finally have a first-round pick.

The Miami Dolphins head coach hasn’t had that luxury since taking over the team in 2022, but that will change this year, as the Dolphins will pick on the opening night of the draft for the first time since 2021.

Miami will have the 21st selection, along with five more in this year’s draft, leaving the team with more flexibility in the opening round than it has had in years — and general manager Chris Grier said Miami is weighing all of its options.

“I think you have to be open to everything,” Grier said earlier in the offseason. “If it’s a possibility of moving up or moving down for something and get in a better position to get a player that we may say is a home run for us, we’re definitely open to moving up. If someone wants to drop to our spot and we move down and pick up extra picks, we’re very open to that too as well.”

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