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Philadelphia Eagles want draft picks to play well, do the right thing and retire with the franchise

来源:Earth Echo news portal编辑:politics时间:2024-06-03 17:00:29

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Howie Roseman wants Philadelphia Eagles draft prospects to take a lesson out of the recent retirements of franchise stalwarts Jason Kelce and Fletcher Cox.

The Eagles general manager wants potential Eagles to see the likes of DeVonta Smith, Landon Dickerson and Brandon Graham continue to earn contract extensions and big money years after they’re drafted by the team.

The lesson in both instances?

“It’s a great success story for us to be able to draft guys and sign them to extensions,” Roseman said. “I think it’s a great message to our team that if you come here and do the right thing, you don’t have to leave. Unfortunately we’ve lost two players, two of the greatest Eagles in the history of our franchise who retired, but they played with one franchise.

“I think that’s legacy. To be able to have players that are able to do that, when other players see that, I think that’s a big part of building culture.”

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